The solution for every shipment
Always a fast and clear answer
We go to extremes for you!

Worldwide transport over the ocean

Do you want to import goods from China or export your products to North America? Whatever worldwide destination you want to reach, we are happy to support you. 

Ocean freight takes, to say the least, some more effort than road transport. You will be confronted with a lot of technical terms, receive quotations in different currencies, and probably almost forget to take care of the customs clearance separately. It seems complicated for you, but this is how every day looks like for us. We are your ideal departing point when it comes to transport by ocean! 

Whether you would like to ship one package or a full cargo, there is no difference for us. We are happy to take care of your transport from A to Z. You can count on the fact that your shipment will be taken care of with greatest concern and that it will be followed on its journey. You will receive only one quotation for your entire transport, from door to door. No complicated tariffs based on subsequent calculation, but just one price. In euros. 

Of course we also take care of all the documentation and keep you informed about the entire process, for example about the arrival time of the ship. Afterwards, we inform the recipient about the delivery and make sure your shipment will reach its destination according to the appointment. In short, we make sure transport by ocean will be a lot less complicated for you! 

Helder Transport: for a safe voyage. 

Enter your personal information, then we will directly send you a quotation!

Wereldkaart voor transport over de hele wereld
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